Golden Marine Systems Restores Gulf Harbour Yacht Club

Golden Marine Systems played a role in the recent reopening of Gulf Harbour Yacht and Country Club in Fort Myers after the devastation of Hurricane Ian. Phase 1 of the restoration project has been completed, showcasing a selection of 101 slips capable of accommodating boats up to 80 feet in length just 18 months after the storm. Golden Marine Systems and contractor, MidCoast Marine, employed the top-of-the-line 950 Series double track for the main sections and 850 Series for the finger piers, ensuring both durability and functionality. Sixteen-inch GMS adjustable cleats, featuring the Gulf Harbour logo, adjustable pile guides and finger piers were integrated to provide the finishing touches. Custom utility troughs with removable panels were installed for easy access to utilities. Also included were Endeck Ashwood decking and facia, complemented by heavy-duty D-Fenders for added protection.
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